Saturday, May 25, 2024

It's Pentecost!

 Prop: Make streamers of red, orange and yellow for each congregant. These can be made by stapling together strips of crepe paper, or tying lengths of ribbon in a knot. Here's a photo of the ribbon streamers I made:

Since COVID, our church does not have the children come to the front. I tell the story, either from the center of the chancel, floor level at the top of the aisle, or sometimes walking up and down the aisle. The story, geared to youth, is told to the whole congregation. Here's the Pentecost story:

Before I tell the story, did everyone receive a set of streamers? I want you to pretend that this is fire, and when I get to the part in the story where I mention "wildfire," everyone wave their streamers and keep waving until I stop waving mine, OK? Let's practice. "Wildfire!" (Wave your streamer.) Great! OK, let's begin.

Raise your hand if you have ever been to a children's birthday party. Did you play games at this party?--maybe pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, have a scavenger hunt or a pinata? Did the birthday child receive gifts? What kind of food did you have at this birthday party? Cake?!! And what happened BEFORE you ate the cake? (Candles lit; everyone sang "Happy Birthday"; child made a wish; blew out candles)

Well, today is Pentecost--the birthday of Christ's Church. There were no party games at this first Pentecost, but there was excitement, and wind and fire--like birthday candles--and a very special gift. Let me tell you what happened. (Read Acts 2:1-8 in Eugene Peterson's, The Message.)

As he had promised, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the Christian community on that day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit is God with us today. The Holy Spirit helps us to live the way that God wants us to live--showing respect and kindness to others, being honest and caring. The Holy Spirit unites us in our faith, brings us together, cares for us and helps us to love and understand one another, as if we are all speaking the same language. The Holy Spirit is God's gift to us on this birthday of the Church, and every day.

Happy Pentecost! Happy Birthday!

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