May 9, 2021
I received a Mother's Day card a couple of years ago which was really funny. I liked it so much, I kept it. On the front it says, "A Thought for You on Mother's Day." There's a picture of a half-filled glass, and then it says, "An optimist sees the glass as half full. A pessimist sees the glass as half empty." Then when you open the card, it reads, "A mother sees the glass of someone who didn't finish their drink, pick up their glass, or put it in the dishwasher. Happy Mother's Day!"
Yes, today is Mother's Day.
A few weeks ago, our eldest son texted me and asked, "Any ideas what you'd like for Mother's Day?" I answered, "World peace. Would you like to cook lunch or dinner for us?" (He's a really good cook.) And so this evening, we are going over to his and his family's house for a vegetarian feast.
A friend of mine was 70-something years old. When they asked, she told her children what she wanted more than anything for Mother's Day was a letter from each of them telling her what she had done right as a mom. She said, "They were always quick to tell me what I'd done wrong. I wanted to hear what they thought I'd done well." I think it's too bad that she had to wait over 50 years for her children to show their appreciation to her!
Some women make better mothers than others. I have no doubt that my friend was an excellent mother, but no mom is perfect. Yet every mother did at least one thing right--she brought YOU into the world! She gave you the gift of life. For that gift alone we owe our moms, and our God, thanks and appreciation.